Friday, January 8, 2010

Why do your facial features seem rounder or bigger when you wake up?

I always find that, in the morning, my facial features (nose especially) is bigger in the morning.

Does your face swell a little through the night?|||If you eat alot of salty things like chips and popcorn, ect. and just eat alot of not nesicarily bad thing, but things high in soduim, it will make your face swell, making features like eyes, cheeks, nose swollen in the morning. Try reducing the amount of soduim you eat and if that doesnt work you can go see a dermitologist if it really bothers you. I have the same problem with my eyes when I load up on junk food and stuff. =D good luck.|||i dont think so but who knows|||Usually, when you wake up your body is telling itself that its time to get up and moving. While sleeping your body recuperates (heals) itself. Sometimes the nasal passages in your nose bulge in the mornings to let the excess air or (snot) flow, so you don%26#039;t choke or have trouble breathing.|||when you stand upright, gravity pulls your face down. go up side down, and your face feels funny and your cheeks are close to your eyes. when yo lay down, your face kinda does the same thing.usually people sleep on their sides, trying to find a comfortable position.your face slumps to one side. try sleeping flat, and wash your face in the mourning. the more you wait, the gravity pulls your face more into to its normal position.|||Yes. Lying down all night, in a flat position, causes facial features to swell with body fluids.

This seems to be worse in some diseases, and in people with too much sodium in their diet. [ check yours - most %26#039;junk%26#039; food and drinks have lots of sodium! ]|||for me its my lips

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