Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can I grow full facial hair all across my cheeks?

I%26#039;m 15. I can grow sparse facial hair above my lips and a goatee under my lips to my neck. I, however, cannot grow any passable sideburns or cheek hair. Will I be able to do so when I am older? Or is it not possible? Also, is there anything I can do to stimulate the hair growth?|||Unless you are one of those young guys with a full growth, your beard will continue to fill in until you are into your twenties. Some of the older guys at your school have not had to shave yet, I can guarantee it, so you are doing well.

You can stimulate the hair growth my looking in a mirror and saying GROW, then after about five years, it should have happened.

OK, seriously, I am 22 and just got past the goatee within the past 18 months, but I had nothing but a light mustache, at age 17.

Only bad thing is I have to shave my neck and upper cheeks all the time now, so that is a pain.|||chunky peanut butter actually helps grow the hair the oils in the peanut butter increase hair growth but make sure u use the natural organic peanut butter just put it on and leave it for a couple hrs or over night just make sure your bed has a garbage bag or something on it so it dosnt get all over the plae|||It comes from genetics. If you aren%26#039;t meant to have a full beard you won%26#039;t have one even at 50 years old. It will be sparse. But if you are meant to have it, it will grow in by your 20s|||if the hair is,nt there then you can,t grow whiskers.|||you can%26#039;t control that %26quot;/|||u need to b older

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