Monday, April 26, 2010

What can I do naturally to reduce facial swelling?

My facial swelling is related to food allergies and/or digestion problems. I can%26#039;t take any chemical products for this, they mess me up and Icing doesnt work. What can I do? Has anyone ever tried ginger for this?|||If it%26#039;s related to food allergies, then don%26#039;t eat the foods. There%26#039;s not a natural or safe way to prevent allergic reactions since your body is reacting to something that it doesn%26#039;t want in your system... it%26#039;s trying to purge it out.

You could try an antihistamine like Benedryl if you accidentally ate some, but try not to do that too often, as your body can get used to medication.

Ginger is really just a stomach soother... it won%26#039;t prevent an allergic reaction.|||Duck the next time you mouth off|||Quite honestly, I%26#039;d be very careful about trying too many different herbal remedies, since they could also cause an allergic reaction. Many herbs are related to high reaction weeds which many people are allergic to.

Take notes on what you have eaten and the condition of your facial swelling. This is the easiest method of determining exactly what you are allergic to.

Otherwise, I would suggest seeing the doctor for a skin test (scratch or injection) of known food allergens. There is also a test that can be done by a blood sample, although I%26#039;ve heard that it is not as accurate.

My nephew has a problem with high levels of iodine in food. When he eats certain seafood, such as shrimp or lobster his throat swells and he can go into anaphylactic shock. Iodine is also used in our water to eliminate certain bacteria and of course it is in iodized salt.

Your condition could be caused by something that simple, but could also be very hazardous to your health.|||i wpuld just go to a hott area and sweat it off|||Ginger is good for digestion , nausea ,vomiting etc you could start there... You must find what you are allergic to and stop eating that particular food... Milk Thistle or red clover tea is good for detoxification of the liver and blood ... A good idea

since our bodies are bombarded with toxins constantly...

For general allergies you can take an herbal combination in capsule form ..I happen to take on called Allergy Ease from a company called Health Care for better Living 1800-544-4225

you can purchase many different supplements you might need also ... Adequate exercise ,sleep and a healthy diet low in complex carbohydrates mainly sugar starches etc ..will help

Drinking lots of filtered water is good...Your body might have a vitamin and mineral deficiency ..

For stomach troubles organic apple cider vinegar and raw unfiltered honey is good for acid reflux burning digestion ..

If you have an ulcer you Capsicum which comes from ground peppers and Milk Thistle is excellent for that....Works for me and people I know....Good Luck!

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