Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When will my facial hair start growing in thicker?

yeah guys, i%26#039;ve been shaving for around 3 months (im 15) and im blonde. I grow facial hair easily, but it%26#039;s not thick and hardly noticeable, in fact, the only time you can tell is if im standing in sunlight or if you feel my face. How long do you think it will take for my facial hair to grow in thicker and become more noticable?|||it all depends on your genes, but for me mine started coming in thicker when i was 17...|||A really full, satisfying beard? It can take up to age 25. Justin Timberlake is 28, and if you look at photos from around 2000, he couldn%26#039;t grow a beard for [censored].

Blondes have more fun, but it is true that their facial hair is a little harder to see. But given that you have up to nine or ten years to fill out your facial hair I wouldn%26#039;t worry about it a bit!|||My full beard didn%26#039;t develop until I was into my twenties, and everyone is different.

You%26#039;re way too young to have a full beard. You have at least three more years of puberty to go, possibly more.|||Whenever it wants too.

Well you are only 15, you are still a little kid so you can%26#039;t exspect it to be perfect.

I don%26#039;t know. It will do it when it%26#039;s ready. I%26#039;m 18 and mine still isn%26#039;t that way.

-Connor|||im 15 and i already have to shave to get rid of it, its different for different people. It%26#039;s also quite annoying so just forget about it lol.|||Why do you want it to Rane? Shaving sucks!|||your next growth spurt

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